Exit Strategy

Review Of Business

We will be reviewing our business at two intermediate points in the 13 weeks of our business venture. At each of this point, we will execute our exit strategy should we feel that the business is not sustainable in the long run if majority of the founders decide not to continue operating the business

Point 1 (End of Week 3)

Point 2 (End of Week 7)


In the event that our business is progressing and profiting better than what we expect, we hope to sell our business to any buyer who is interested to continue and expand the business.

Liquidation and Shutdown

In the event that our business is not growing as well, we cease operations and liquidate our assets. Due to the low amount of our fixed asset, it will not be difficult to liquidate our business. The absence of inventories will greatly ease the process of liquidation. Remaining share capital and retained earnings will be distributed and returned to each founder in equal portions.